Wikipedia, Google, Wordpress, Diaspora, Reddit and Others are Against SOPA and PIPA

January 18, 2012 Leave a Comment

Wikipedia, the largest online encyclopedia was covered with total darkness. This was after they announced their participation against the most controversial bill in the U.S. Government, the Stop Online Privacy Act(SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA). When you're about to visit their site, you can see for a period of time their front page site but after that they redirect you another blackened page indicating their support against the bill.
“For over a decade, we have spent millions of hours building the largest encyclopedia in human history. Right now, the U.S. Congress is considering legislation that could fatally damage the free and open Internet. For 24 hours, to raise awareness, we are blacking out Wikipedia,” says the message on the page.
Meanwhile, Google has also joined the Anti-SOPA protest by covering their logo with a black rectangular size. They even created a petition site entitled "End Piracy, Not Liberty". Here, you can freely express your sentiments against the Acts.

These were some of the sites that expressed their support against SOPA and PIPA:

  1. American Express Company
  2. AOL
  3. Boing Boing
  4. BuzzFeed
  5. CloudFlare
  6. Copyblogger
  7. ConsumerBell
  8. Creative Commons
  9. Curse
  10. Daily Kos
  11. deviantART
  12. Discover
  13. Disqus
  14. DreamHost
  15. Dyn
  16. eBay
  17. Embedly
  18. Engine Advocacy
  19. ESET
  20. Etsy
  21. Facebook
  22. Fantagraphics
  23. foursquare
  24. Gandi
  25. Google
  26. GreenHostIt
  27. HostGator
  28. Hover
  29. I Can Has Cheezburger?
  30. IndieGoGo
  31. Internet Archive
  32. Irregular Times
  33. Jive Software
  34. Kaspersky Lab
  1. Kickstarter
  2. LinkedIn
  3. MetaFilter
  4. Mozilla
  6. Namecheap
  7. OpenDNS
  8. O’Reilly Radar
  10. PayPal
  11. Quora
  12. Rackspace
  13. Reddit
  14. ReferralCanday
  15. Riot Games
  16. ServInt
  17. Scribd
  18. Teachers Pay Teachers
  19. Techdirt
  20. Torrentfreak
  21. Tucows
  22. Tumblr
  23. Twitter
  24. Ubu Web
  25. Uservoice
  26. Vimeo
  27. Webs, Inc.
  28. Wikipedia
  29. WordPress
  30. Yahoo!
  31. Y Combinator
  32. Zopim
  33. Zynga Game Network



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