April 6, 2009 Leave a Comment

2009 was really a year for Blogger to be revitalize and expanding its mileage in the field of providing quality service for their subscribers. As one of their patron, I will also contribute to their success by sharing some of my knowledge that I got in the field of programming.

I can't wait for somebody to convert some of Justin Tadlock's theme in Wordpress to Blogger. I really desire to have it before especially this Structure Theme but it's not available, until such time that I manage to do with my own. It takes me a couple of months to do the rewriting & researching. And ended me also with lots of headaches because of frustrations in implementing the codes.

With this, I have discovered that even Blogger can handle Front Page, these are the fields that can be hide and only expand when you click. This is the one I do with the posting area. It's a matter of transfering and selecting what part of the post that you want to show without breaking the original Blogger HTML Code. You can also declared two similar CSS but have different job to perform.

Blogger Structure Theme is also capable of segregating labels and show it separately using tabs. This can be shown below the Feature Post.

What really takes me too long to launch this theme is because it have two different tabs. As we all know, Domtab's can not perform this especially on the CSS because you have to declare them separately and if you do that they will contradict with each other and the entire program will end futile. What I have done is I have to use different Ajax Tab for the sidebar. As you can notice it is still on the development stage.

On the Flickr widget, I implemented the scripts that I posted before in my personal blog. What you have to do is just follow the procedure in getting the Flickr Username.

I will get back again to give you the final HTML codes. I'm still writing steps to achieve this nice template. So keep coming back.



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